
By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the μMETOS Soil and Clima Solutions

  • Understand the LPWAN Data Logger for Remote and Urban Areas (with LoRaWAN® or NBIoT connectivity)

  • Understand the μMETOS Solution Types

  • Understand the μMETOS Soil Specifications

  • Understand the μMETOS CLIMA Specifications

  • Understand the components of μMETOS Soil and CLIMA

  • Know how to start the μMETOS Soil and CLIMA

  • Know how to set up the μMETOS Soil and CLIMA

  • Know how to use your µMETOS

  • Know how to maintain your μMETOS

Course curriculum

Estimated Learning Time: 40min

  1. 1
    • μMetos Solutions and Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN)

    • Introduction to μMetos Solutions - Knowledge Check

  2. 2
    • μMetos Solution Types and Specifications

    • μMetos Solution Types and Specifications - Knowledge Check

  3. 3
    • Components and Starting up the μMetos

    • Components and Starting Up the μMetos - Knowledge Check

  4. 4
    • Setup and Installing of the μMetos

    • Setup and Installing of the μMetos - Knowledge Check

  5. 5
    • Using and Maintaining your μMetos Device

    • Using Your μMetos Device in FieldClimate and General Maintenance - Knowledge Check

  6. 6
    • μMetos Quick Start Up Guide

  7. 7
    • Certification Exam